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Past Life Spread

So there are some spreads that are for every day use, and some that are periodic, perennial, or used in particular times of need. Then there are spreads like this one, to examine past lives, which are utilised rarely, because the information they provide is often something that we need to ruminate on over time, to consider, to revisit and to perhaps add to, rather than reading from scratch.

This is a spread I've only used personally, for myself, once before - and to my rather great delight it provided me with information which corroborated things that various psychics and mediums had said to me over the years, and added layers of information, in areas that I'd not though to previously ask about. It's very potentially a reading that I need to revisit again to give me a firmer grasp on those previous lives, or perhaps to investigate different ones...

Cards 1 through 5 represent an older past life for the querent.

Cards 7 through 11 represent a more recent past life for the querent.

Cards 6, 12 and 13 represent the querent's current lifetime.

Cards 1 and 7 represent who you were in those previous lives.

Cards 2 and 8 represent what you did or what you accomplished in those lives.

Cards 3 and 9 represent what the querent's life purposes were.

Cards 4 and 10 represent whether or how those life purposes were achieved.

Cards 5 and 11 represent what was brought forward from those experiences to the next lifetime.

Cards 6 and 12 represent the ways in which those experiences manifest in the current lifetime.

Card 13 represents the current life purpose.

Have you used the Tarot to explore your previous lives? If not, perhaps this spread can help you connect with that legacy of knowledge and wisdom, and shine some light on the karmic resonance that you've brought forward into this lifetime. I'd love to hear about your thoughts and experiences!

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