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My unique approach to your situation. 


All of my readings are provided with a free Three-Card follow-up reading, to be enjoyed, at your discretion, within 3 months of the original reading! 


What does this mean in practice?


Sometimes the situation that you ask about in your initial reading will change or develop after the reading, and you might want some clarification on the influence that these new factors will have on your situation and on the reading that you've had with me. 


Perhaps, once you start to apply the information and advice from your reading, factors that were beyond the scope of the original question start to impact your situation, and you want to assess whether a change of tactic is needed, or how these new factors could affect your approach. 


Maybe the situation that you asked about originally has resolved itself, either in your favour, or not to your satisfaction, and you want to ask "what now?" or "where should I focus my energies moving forwards?"


These are just some of the situations where my free follow-up reading could be used to clarify, to re-focus, to develop your response to a situation, or to generally keep you on top of things as they unfold. 


I believe that each situation will remain fluid and flexible, and if we can keep your reading responsive to those changing circumstances, by refreshing the information that is available to you, then the insights gleaned from the readings can be better applied to your personal challenges. 


Take a look at my available reading sizes here, and together we can work on crafting a spread that will yield the information that you need to give you confidence and peace of mind in your approach to your unique circumstances! 


- Contemporary Tarot Consultations -

UK Tel: 0333 313 0022



Content © 2014-2021 The Moon Over Water.

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