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Retro Spread - The English Spread

There are a batch of spreads that are, accurately or inaccurately, associated with Romany techniques, or perhaps are just 'down and dirty' with the old school 'gypsy' fortune telling style of Tarot reading.

Another of these spreads is the English Spread, and, like many of its peer spreads, it has a quirky layout, grouping cards into blocks of threes, and taking a 'storyboarding' approach to combine the cards in those groups together.

The central three cards in the spread are read individually, to provide a sense of the situation, around which the other elements work.

Card 1 represents the querent or the issue at hand.

Card 2 represents the circumstances surrounding the situation.

Card 3 represents the querent's personality.

The remaining cards are grouped into threes.

Cards 6, 10 and 14

These cards indicate the psychological basis of the issue and can assist in deciding what might be necessary, where leverage applied, or where change can be made.

Cards 7, 11 and 15

These cards show forces beyond the querent's control, destiny or karma.

Cards 5, 9 and 13 and cards 4, 8 and 12

These cards show possibility for the future. If the two sets of cards compliment each other, look at them as a single development. If they conflict with one other, cards 4, 8 and 12 show the future i the querent does not change their present attitude, while cards 5, 9 and 13 identify a possible future if actions are taken.

My own experience with the English Spread, at first, was that i found it flows pretty well, providing a more insightful approach than just drawing a single card for each area to examine...rather than being viewed as a hefty 15 card reading, it can be seen more as a detailed 7 area draw!

Is the English Spread one that you've tried before? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it...or, if you've never given it a whirl, maybe a little experimentation is in order! I'd love to get your input!

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