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Just a little about me...


Hey there!


My name is Scott, and I have been reading the Tarot cards for a little over 26 years now, and during that time have positively helped hundred of clients with their questions and issues, enabling them where they had previously felt lost, confused or powerless. 


I’m a firm believer in the empowering nature of the Tarot – it’s a tool to help bring clarity to our situation, to provide information and insight on decisions we’re facing and to shine a light on options that we mightn’t have considered, granting us the confidence to meet life's challenges.  The Tarot, in many ways, behaves like a friend and confidante…it can pick us up when we need a bit of a dusting off, and give us a pat on the bum and a push in the right direction, with an encouraging “go get ‘em, Tiger!”, and other times, it can sit us down and say “you need to know that you’re being a bit of a dick…take it down a notch and wind your neck in” – unfortunately, when we particularly want one, it can be determined to give us the other, but such is the nature of that relationship – we don’t always want an honest answer…but if you don’t want to hear the answer, then it’s best not to ask the question. 


As a Tarot reader, I believe that I’m a conduit for the message from the cards, and it’s my role to translate that message as clearly as possible, not to filter it or adjust it to spare the querent from the truth.  Situations are sometimes difficult to face, and we might not get the message that we want to hear, but if the cards deliver a message that feels like it’s close to the bone, then I look for the lesson, the option, the way around the obstacle, so that the lesson might be a hard one, but it’s a not a lesson lost. 


I am passionate about spreadcrafting - developing layouts of cards for the benefit of the querent - and using the Tarot for practical insight, personal development and change management. 


- Contemporary Tarot Consultations -

UK Tel: 0333 313 0022



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