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Retro Spread - Mystic Cross

There are a batch of spreads that are, accurately or inaccurately, associated with Romany techniques, or perhaps are just 'down and dirty' with the old school 'gypsy' fortune telling style of Tarot reading. The Mystic Cross is one of those spreads, with an unusual layout, and which uses a significator. I don't hold much truck with that particular style of reading, but I think that spreads from that genre can certainly be used with a more holistic, consultative and counseling approach, to bring them right up to date.

The Mystic Cross spread takes a different approach to card selection, and uses the position of the significator in the spread to provide additional information about the querent and their circumstances.

First, select a significator from the deck, then choose 12 cards randomly, and insert the significator into these 12 cards and shuffle these selected 13 cards again.

Lay the cards out in the pattern above.

If the significator falls in the vertical row, it indicates that the querent is in the grip of circumstances beyond their control.

If the significator falls in the horizontal row, it indicates that the querent has the matter in hand.

If the significator falls in position 4, at the centre of the cross, then the querent is at a crossroads, either about to gain or lose control of the situation.

The vertical row, read from top to bottom, refers to the querents present situation.

The horizontal row, read left to right, relates to influences affecting current events.

The fourth card laid, at the centre of the cross, represents the factor around which the entire situation revolves, and, therefore provides the key to the matter.

Have you tried the Mystic Cross spread before? If not, give it a whirl, and let me know how it works for you - i'd love to hear your thoughts!

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