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Manifestation Magic through the Tarot

The Theoretical Framework

Rather than being used to 'read' the energies of an individual, Tarot cards can be used identify the particular energies being manifested by the individual, and then to bring those into the light where they can be effectively managed

This isn't the same as selecting a significator - you're not looking to capture the persons essence, or the best representation of them (although if they are wholly defined by their actions, then you might see an overlap), but instead, you're looking to capture the specific negative behaviour that the person is demonstrating.

Cards are selected to represent that negative behaviour to be 'managed', and also the positive influencing behaviours that you can control or hope to bring to bear on a situation to elicit improvement.

So, for example, in a work environment, if one of your colleagues is being dishonest or malicious, then you might represent that with the reversed Page of Swords. If a colleague is riding rough-shod over you, or stepping on you in their zeal for promotion or recognition, then you might represent that behaviour with the reversed Knight of Wands. If in a relationship, someone is being overly needy or clingy, you might represent that behaviour with the reversed Queen of Cups, or perhaps the reversed Two of Cups or Lovers card. If a partner is being domineering or controlling, then you might select the reversed Emperor, reversed King of Swords or King of Pentacles, depending on the way that that control manifests itself.

I would select 1, or perhaps 2, energy cards for the individual in question, and then up to 4 'corrective' cards to form the surrounding personal preference where i'm looking to 'shake things up' or effect change is to work with odd numbers of cards, and where i'm looking to calm or reinforce positive behaviours, use even numbers of cards.

As has been mentioned briefly, this technique can also be used to recapture or to support and reinforce positive behaviours that are being demonstrated, as well as managing or reducing negative behaviours - the cards should be selected in the same way, and the energies projected done so in a way that sends appreciation, gratitude or recognition of the behaviours being demonstrated.

I like to put the cards somewhere that i can see them regularly, for a quick visualisation and a 'push' of energy where it's needed, so I might blu-tac the cards to the bottom of my computer screen, the inside of my drawer, my bedside table, etc, and when the situation resolves or improves significantly, then i bundle those cards together, tie them with a piece of cord or thread, and keep them somewhere where they'll continue to work their magic - perhaps in a wallet or purse, or inside a phone case. When i'm confident that the situation will not slip back to its previous point, then i'll sage/smudge and cleanse the cards, and return them to the deck for re-use in other magic workings.

Working Examples

As a working example, if my boss were being overbearing or abusing her position, power or influence, i might assess her energies as being closely reflected by the reversed Emperor card, due to the position of power and influence that she has in an area that is of importance to me, and its impact on my security, both financially and professionally. If i recognise that i'm hard working, that i want to remain in the position, and continue to soldier on, rather than fleeing the situation, that i want others to see and recognise these behaviours, and to give myself hope that the truth will be recognised, i might combine surrounding cards such as the Seven of Pentacles, the Seven of Wands, the Page of Swords and the Star respectively.

Each time your manager behaves in a way that is inappropriate, visualise those behaviours passing into the reversed Emperor card. Visualise a light shining on that behaviour, for everyone to see, leaving it no room to hide or be denied. Then visualise those supporting cards as a web, a frame around the Emperor, bringing in those desired elements to the situation - visualise the hard work that you have done and that you should be rewarded and recognised for: see that moment in your minds eye where your manager thanks you for that hard work and recognises what you have done for the company; visualise her speaking the truth rather than using her words to put you down: see in your minds eye people recognising when she lies and making note of that behaviour, and visualise her how you would want her to speak to you and interact with you; visualise you staying calm, resolute and strong in the face of feeling embattled or sidelined: see in your minds eye your determination, your will, your strength, and your ongoing positive resistance to her abuse of power; visualise a clear path to the way that you want to be recognised, treated and respected: see in your minds eye that shining star lighting the way, calling you onwards and offering encouragement as you move towards a brighter situation with an appropriate recognition of your contributions and a manager who behaves in a supportive, constructive and developmental way towards you and your career.

As another working example, if my romantic partner was being particularly flirty with other people, and this was something that was out of character, or triggered by insecurity or other factors (rather than being an ingrained personality trait that they've demonstrated since day 1), then I might assess those energies as being closely reflected by the reversed Knight of Cups card, due to the flirty dance-away energy that was being displayed. If i recognise that in other areas of the relationship, things are stable and committed, then I might select the Lovers card or Two of Cups. If i want to draw my partner into feeling more stable and secure and less flighty, then I might select the Queen or King of Cups. If i wanted to bring a fresh feeling to the relationship, so that my partner is inclined to direct that flirtyness at me, then I might select the Ace of Cups to give that energy a fresh start/tszuj. If i wanted to welcome open and honest communication with my partner, and to remind them that I'm there to talk to rather than 'acting up', I might select the Page of Cups.

There are multiple solutions to each situation, and entirely dependent upon the personalities of those individuals involved. You might want to draw more clear-cut communication in that situation, or to actively look to break that behaviour as an unwelcome or bad habit, perhaps utilising Swords to do might feel called to restore balance and equity in the relationship, perhaps selecting Justice...or perhaps you might want to remind your partner of that solid connection that you have, utilising the happy family element of the 10 of Cups or 10 of Pentacles.

As a final example, i might want to reinforce my own behaviours (or those of someone else) - perhaps i've started a new weight loss or gym routine and i want to positively reinforce that with energy work. I might select one of the court cards to reflect that physical ideal to work towards, perhaps a Knight, or maybe i want to recognise the hard work involved, and to accept those changes that i need to welcome in, and so select the Ten of Wands. Reinforcing cards for this situation might be Strength, to reflect that physical and mental challenge ahead, and to recognise that i have the fortitude to persevere and succeed; the Eight of Wands to welcome swift results from my actions; the Ace of Swords to recognise a new routine and to break old habits; and the Two of Pentacles to welcome positive work/life balance, or life/gym balance, so that i'm not tempted to become a do-or-die gym bunny at the cost of other aspects of my life.

The tool is entirely reflective of your circumstances, and should be tailored to reflect each circumstance, the individual results that you want to achieve, and the way in which you want to achieve them! Use the cards to weave a story or narrative that reinforces and strengthens the characters that need it, and that block, hold back or shine a light on individuals who need that attention drawing or response to their behaviours.

Perhaps view the cards that you would select as being the ones that you would like to see in an ideal version of events - that if you were happy and confident in the situation, things would be represented in this ideal way, focusing on cards that will reflect that situation as you would want it to be - perhaps a manipulative co-worker lying about you or your work is represented by the reversed Page of Wands, but they are crossed by the Eight of Swords to restrict those energies; perhaps you want the support of your boss around a promotion or career development, and so you might represent that with the King of Wands to identify your boss, and the Six of Swords to show the assistance or 'wingman' energy or someone supporting you to your destination; perhaps a flirty lover is represented by that reversed Knight of Cups, but is shown side-by-side with the Lovers and Two of Cups cards to reinforce that positive connection, and to minimise the impact of their behaviour.

Caveats and Cautionary Notes

The first couple of times you do this it might be difficult to visualise, to imagine, to pull into your mind, especially if you're frustrated, wound-up or feel particularly emotional after an interaction, but taking a few minutes to go through the process will mean that each subsequent time you can pull in one or all of those visualisations more quickly, even to the point where you'll be able to do it while it's happening, visualising those defence card energies passing directly into the individual rather than into the representation of him/her.

There's obviously some self-recognition work, and potentially some shadow work to be done here: is your manager legitimately on your back, because they've asked time and time again for you to do something, but you keep blowing them off, or shirking your responsibilities? Are you flirting in your relationship too, don't like it when your partner does it, but think that it's fine for you to behave that way? Do you want to salve your conscience about not making it to the gym for the third straight month, and think that a bit of manifestation magic will burn as many calories as a 30 minute treadmill session? Manifestation is like a piece of elastic - if you attempt to 'stretch' that truth in your own favour, while taking no responsibility for your own actions, then it can 'snap back', striking you particularly hard, shining a light on those shortcomings, and leaving you feeling exposed, and notifying those around you as to what you've been doing in that regard - your own motivations should be examined to ensure a clear conscience and that you're doing it for the best of reasons, with an open and honest intent.

In any situations where there is significant abuse, manifestation magic can be used as a support tool, but should not replace taking advice or input from your HR department, Union Rep, Citizens Advice Bureau or qualified legal representation; couples counselling, individual counselling, abuse shelters, supportive friends of family; healthcare advice from a qualified medical professional such as your GP, nutritionist, personal trainer or dietician: as the situation requires. Self-care in all situations is paramount and necessary for your long term happiness, health and well-being.

Manifestation magic works best in situations where there is a temporary aspect to a permanent situation - for example, you might love the company that you work for, and love your job, but your manager is a component there where an improvement in their actions and behaviour would improve those working conditions considerably. In situations where the issue is intrinsically linked to that individuals behaviour, such as in a relationship with someone, then utilising this technique can be a manipulation rather than a correction, an attempt to hold under the thumb, rather than a nudge towards a better, brighter path.

Don't use the same deck for tarot magic that you use for tarot reading. I use a small thumb sized deck for magic purposes, because you can slip them in a wallet, pocket, pouch or purse, stick them in your drawer at work, or pin them to a monitor screen and do so reasonably discreetly - somewhere where you'll see them regularly and where your aura/energy field will pass over them, reinforcing the energies focused onto that manifestation.

There are simpler forms - writing out someones name and slipping it into the freezer or knife drawer, for example, is a hedge-witch favourite, or perhaps stitching their name into a piece of cloth and doing the same, and then unravelling it when it's done its with clay or material dolls will have the same effect, especially where the name is carved or stitched into them, or you have a personal possession of theirs to stuff inside. There's also a technique called 'laying the trick' often used in voodoo and associated magics, where the bundle is placed somewhere where it will reach the targets aura, effectively diminishing their power, but it's a tricky technique to use effectively and reliably, especially where the bundle might be discovered, and a more personal-empowering and discreet method will have the same results.

The form presented here allows you to draw on your Tarot knowledge and intuition directly as a spiritual/energetic/psychological anchor with which you can investigate the situation, and conjure those energies into a framework that will support you in reaching the desired outcome.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, and about any experiences you have using this type of Tarot Magic, and whether you'd be happy to give it a whirl and share your experiences, perhaps? :)

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