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Queen of Cups - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Queen of Cups, and I've selected the Intuitive Tarot.

I love all the curves on this image - it's so soft and flowing, from the border frame, the waves and her cloak, to her features, neckline, bared breasts and the cup itself. The only sharp edges appear on her crown, a reminder of that power, structure and sense of authority that comes with command over those flowing curves.

The waves of water curves around her, like an extension of her, showing her deep connection on an emotional and intuitive level with the world around her, and the curves of the cloak, and it's high collar frame her naked breasts, demonstrating her trust, openness and honesty - she could be armoured or fully clothed, but this shows her lack of fear when dealing with the raw truth of a situation, and her comfort in her own skin, and with her own sense of self.

The cup that sits before her is gold, showing that it's a precious thing to her - a receptacle for her emotional resources, and a representation of it, and so it remains within reach and with her at all times. The crown is also gold, representing that level of authority and sense of connectedness - the purple stone showing that intuitive connection with the world around her through her crown chakra, and her ability to intuit beyond what is simply seen or perceived, through her third eye.

There's also a touch of purple tucked at her suprasternal notch - her throat chakra, too, benefiting from the presence of her connected, intuitive and empathic talents as she communicates those things to others, making her a wonderful counsellor, intermediary and confidante.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

The Intuitive Tarot is by Cilla Conway, and the image is courtesy of, and ©, St Martins Press, and the deck is available from their website, Amazon, or your local Tarot stockist.

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