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The Major Wheel Spread

The Major Arcana themselves can be used as positional markers in a spread, when it comes to spreadcrafting, allowing us to visualise a route out of an issue or situation where you either find yourself, or have become mired over time.

Each of the positions is named after a Major Arcana card, and the cards for your layout should be drawn as normal, from a full deck (not just the majors) – so you could end up with the Three of Cups in the Hierophant position, or the Page of Swords in the Judgement position. Those cards are then read in relation to the lesson that the position is there to guide us on in the situation that we face.

This spread is great when you find yourself in an unfamiliar situation, where you are unsure on the best way to move forwards…or can be used when you want to ‘shake yourself loose’ from a situation where you have become stuck or circumstances have transpired against you, and you’re unable to get traction to free yourself.

Card 1: The Fool or Hanged Man – the position in which you find yourself; or situation in which you are stuck, suspended or feel as if you’re in a holding pattern, waiting for change.

Card 2: The High Priestess – what must be intuited, revealed or discovered to progress.

Card 3: The Hierophant – what must be learned or taught to progress.

Card 4: Death – where change must be embraced in order to achieve forward motion.

Card 5: The Tower – where destruction or loss may seem threatening, but will ultimately reveal opportunity.

Card 6: The Wheel of Fortune – where luck or circumstance will work to your advantage; or where you should seek opportunity to apply fulcrum-like pressure to the situation, to maximise results.

Card 7: Judgement – where your sense of purpose and determination must be pressed into service; or where you must rely on your own skillset and self-reliance rather than fortune.

Card 8: The Star – where efforts should be focused or re-focused, in order to revitalise your sense of direction and motivation; or where you need to reconsider the alignment of your efforts in relation to your overall goals.

Card 9: The Moon – what beliefs, worries or fears about the situation need to be overturned in order to move forwards.

Give the Major Wheel spread a try, and let me know what you think, and how it works for you – I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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