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Judgement - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday This week, it's the Judgement card, and I've selected the Idiosyncradeck Tarot.

A gorgeous image, the meaning of which eluded me at first...but after a little time with the card, she was generous with her message! When being tossed around on turbulent seas, spun about and twisted around, being stabbed at by bolts of lightning, the relief when land comes into view, guided safely and security to your destination must be palpable...

The lighthouse on the coast represents that sense of reassurance, when you realise that your journey, however fraught, has delivered you here, now, to the right place, the right time, the exact point of guidance, direction, reassurance. Without it, you'd still be lost at sea, but instead you've found the new territories, adventure and sense of discovery that you were seeking!

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

The Idiosyncradeck Tarot is self-published by the super friendly and talented Jessica Bott. Images are © and used with kind permission. The deck can be purchased directly from the artist at her Etsy store and there's a Tumblr by the artist as well.

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