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Seven of Swords - #TarotImageTuesday

Good afternoon!! it's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Seven of Swords, and I've selected the Ellis decK.

I think this card is just so expressive...the thief has dropped onto the tower from the airship above (seen in the previous card in the deck) and has attempted to steal seven swords from the summit. He now grips the rope, preparing to make his daring escape while holding onto five of those seven swords.

His face is covered to protect his identity, showing that he can act with importunity, without having to worry about repercussion, but his haste is shown in the way that he's gripping the swords - they are precariously clutched to his chest, blades bared in a risk to his own safety, but his determination to succeed makes him reckless and causes him to cut corners in order to achieve his goals.

The two remaining swords are protected by two crows, cawing at their quarry as they attempt to ward him away from the remaining prizes. The tower is tall, and decorated with bird motifs around the outside, emphasising the link to the air element (and the Sword suit) and an assault from the base of the tower would likely have been more difficult to reach the top and escape unnoticed, showing the thought, planning and consideration that has gone into the heist, and, while the motives of the thief are no-doubt selfish or poorly motivated, his approach has to be recognised and appreciated for what it is - an ingenious solution to a tricky and risky task yielding the lions share of the hoped-for reward.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

The Ellis decK is by the awesomely talented Taylor Ellis, the image is © and used with kind permission, and the deck is available from his website

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