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Page of Cups - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! It's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Page of Cups, and I've selected the Night Sun Tarot.

We see an angel with her feet and robe dipped into crystal clear blue water, holding onto a cup made of metal and glass, wings spread and geometric halo on display...but she looks nervous, holding onto the cup quite defensively and looking to the side as if she expects that it might be taken away from her - it gives a sense of her being unsure in the possession of those emotions, and a possible confusion that comes from new feelings, sensations, intuitive connections and empathic links that the Page can represent.

The light glints from the edge of the cup, giving it a positive, light-touched appearance, reassuring us that it's the emotions that are 'right' and that it could be our interpretation or acceptance of them that's causing the issue...and the reed covered bank behind her would provide an excellent vantage spot to feel safe and secure, but to also remain within reach of the nourishing waters.

The geometric mandala in the background is a nice touch, centred around the angels head, reminding us of the positive, healing and balancing aspects that can be revealed by this cards appearance.

There's a bit of a disconnect for me with the symbols for Earth and Water appearing in the top corners - the King in this deck is shown with Air and Water, and i've always associated Pages as being the 'Air' of their particular element, as it covers the new experience and communication aspects of the suit, rather than the settled, grounded and structured that i'd associate with a King.

Finally, the symbol in the top border in the centre is the Hebrew character Chet. It has lots of implications/associations, including the number 8, Grace, Wisdom, socialisation or community bonding, and new beginnings, cycles or experiences.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

The Night Sun Tarot is by artist Fabio Listrani, the image is courtesy of, and ©, Lo Scarabeo srl, and the deck is available from their website, Amazon, or your local Tarot stockist

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