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Two of Cups - #TarotImageTuesday

Good afternoon!! it's #TarotImageTuesday (sshh! I won't tell anyone it's Wednesday if you won't!)

This week, it's the Two of Cups, and I've selected the Intuitive Tarot.

This is a very sweet and delicate image - the two figures embrace and kiss, one of them is seemingly straight edges and strong lines, while the other is flowing curves, emphasising that the connection or attraction identified by the Two doesn't always involve those that are similar or the same - the old adage 'opposites attract' seems fitting here... The figure on the left is dressed in a blue/green colour and the figure on the right in patterned purples with hints of blue - one could be more emotional, one more spiritual (if we were to borrow the colour scheme from the corresponding chakras), but they overlap with the blue aspect - the communication between them forging that connection.

The image itself is framed in the purple of Sahasrara, that divine link and connection, and I love how the two cups are slotted into the negative space around the figures, rather than being held or admired, they instead give a feeling of being a supporting influence, pressing those figures together in the centre.

Above them are what appear be bunches of grapes hanging from the vine, suggesting that the connection has come to fruition...and they symbolise success, abundance and fertility, while the skies behind is clear, blue and calm - no sign of turbulence or stormy weather on the horizon, cementing the union as enjoying that calming influence and being given time to grow and bloom beneath the blue skies.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

The Intuitive Tarot is by Cilla Conway, and the image is courtesy of, and C, St Martins Press, and the deck is available from their website, Amazon, or your local Tarot stockist.

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