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The World - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday This week, it's the The World, and I've selected the Lumina Tarot.

With this image, there's quite a lot going on for what seems like quite a simple depiction, so let's start at the back and work our way forwards.

The dotted lines are reminiscent of the lines that trace the orbit of moons and planets, and the cycles that they go through, seasonal and elliptical in their orbits.

The thicker outline is egg-shaped, reminding us of that cycle of birth, life, growth, rebirth, but it also seems to act like a frame or terrarium for the various pieces of flora that are portrayed. There's also a waning crescent moon symbol tucked in with the various succulents, reminding us that the World card is one that talks about the end of a cycle, and the movement, successfully, into the next phase. The plants portrayed are that would survive on, cycle after cycle, season after season, weathering the worst of conditions to renew themselves when conditions are right again.

The death's head hawkmoth portrayed above the centre of the image is another symbol of the cyclical nature of life, death and rebirth, with the typically short insect lifespan, but also it's transformational aspects, through the chrysalis period. it's association with death, through its markings are another lesser reminder here of the death energy around an ending cycle of the old making way for a new beginning, a transformation, a revivification.

Finally, we have a central symbol for Saturn (interestingly made up of an upper cross symbol, showing matter, focus and stability, and a lower scythe-like symbol acknowledging Saturns association with the cycle of death and rebirth) which talks to us about the 'long game' - the development over time and through various cycles, to wax and wane naturally with these highs and lows, so that we are not afraid of the next link in the chain as it becomes clear to us, allowing the past to fall away and the present to replace it naturally as we move into the future.

All of these images are set against a black background - the unknown/unknowable - that their influences are unseen until they are revealed to us, or we actively seek to engage with them in that spiralling pattern of growth.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

The Lumina Tarot is self-published by Lauren Aletta of Inner Hue and Tegan Swyny of Colour Cult, and the image is courtesy of, and © the same. The deck is available from the Inner Hue website

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