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Knight of Swords - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Knight of Swords, and I've selected the Ellis decK.

This is a gorgeously rich image, filled with little tidbits of imagery that just allows the meaning of the card to shine through...

First we have the knight - his sword drawn and hefted over his shoulder...he's in no mood to brook argument, and the suggestion here is that it's his way or the high way, ready for conflict and prepared to back his corner with action if needs be. His spiked armour suggests he's not afraid of 'fighting dirty' or going for the cheap shot, if it will help him achieve his aims, and the crow mask that covers his face, is a filter for his world view, plumed and spiked, he's more than prepared for his celebratory close-up, and a little preening to ensure that he's not just in the right, but he looks good while he's doing it. The association of the bird mask is with the intellect and the cutting edge, quick reflexes and mental agility needed to be successful in the Knights position.

Rather than being mounted on a faithful horse, this version of the Knight instead sits atop a three headed crow or raven, it's claws poised to strike at the target and the razor sharp beak capable of doing significant damage...but it's the three heads that are by far the most worrisome - what quarry could possibly escape the piercing gaze of those three sets of fearsome eyes? There's no escape, no place to hide, nowhere that will provide shelter from the relentless search and efforts of this Knight and his deadly steed in flight, and after all, if two heads are better than one, then three must be better than two!

This Knight, a relentless, logical, go-getter who prefers a no-nonsense, clear-cut and logical approach to the problems that are faced, is a force to be reckoned with...not prone to being swayed by emotional or persuasive argument, instead preferring clear-cut instruction, well-communicated direction, and clarity to any scope or latitude in carrying out those missives. Best to be on the right side of any argument or conflict with this Knight, as there's very little chance of taking prisoners or pulling punches.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

The Ellis decK is by the awesomely talented Taylor Ellis, the image is © and used with kind permission, and the deck is available from his website


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