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The Pentagram Spread

I do seem to like my spreads being balanced or symmetrical, or forming a clear pattern...and the Pentagram Spread is no exception to that trend! A core issue with cards identifying the influence of each element on the situation, it helps to identify the individual influences on a situation, and can provide some much-needed insight or direction, especially by breaking those influences down into Shadow and Light, so that we can see where are on the right track, and where we might need to focus our attentions to smooth our journey.

Card 1 Core

This provides a core or snapshot of the question or situation at hand, and can help to frame the situation clearly for the querent.

The rest of the cards in the spread are drawn in pairs, two cards for each element, and their influence on the core issue - one card for the Shadow influence on that element, and one card for the Light influence on that element. If you're uncomfortable with reading the cards as Shadow and Light, then they can be substituted for Obstacles and Opportunities. I've provided some guidance and examples in the below breakdown of cards to show you the influence that the cards might indicate within each element.

Cards 2 and 3 Spirit

These cards demonstrate the bond between the querent and the situation and also the influences from spirit on the situation - that connection with the divine that places us on the path to our desires and goals. By examining these cards, we can see the bigger picture, the guiding influences, the big-ticket items and turning points in the situation, and see if we're on the right path to reach our destination. The Shadow card here can identify where we aren't seeing that big-picture connection, while the Light card can show us how we're 'dancing to the beat of our own drum' and are on the right path to connect with those guiding influences that will carry us to our destination.

Cards 4 and 5 Water

The Water cards show us the emotional, spiritual and subconscious influences on the situation. They give us the core of the feeling behind the situation, and where we might be tempted from the path to success, and what can help to keep us on track. They can also show us how we internalise the issues that we're facing. The Shadow card can identify the negative impact of our emotions on the situation - where we lack confidence, or are undermining our efforts, while the Light card can show us where we truly shine and are engaging actively with the situation and those elements that are personal to us.

Cards 6 and 7 Fire

These two cards show us the Fire influences - the passions, motivations and general feeling of 'get up and go!'. They can also show us how we resist obstacles, and how we press our external expression into the situation at hand. The Shadow card here shows how we might be wasting our energies or burning off precious drive and 'oomph' or misdirecting our energies, while the Light can point us to a guiding light, or emphasise where our energies and passions are best directed for success.

Cards 8 and 9 Earth

Earth cards call on us to recognise the grounding influences on the situation, and the physical or material aspects that need to be considered. They can also identify where our sense of stability comes from and where we look to anchor ourself in the moment. The Shadow card can identify where we have become detached from that anchor, or where we are insufficiently grounded to bring our success into reality, and the Light card can show where we are solid, with strong foundations and have both feet on the ground.

Cards 10 and 11 Air

The Air cards show us the intellectual influences on the situation, the areas that require clarity, thought, consideration, or logical approaches. They show us our focus, and how we are clear about, or clouded over, our aims and goals. The Shadow card can help identify where our judgement could be clouded, or where our communication isn't clear, while the Light card shows us where that clarity of approach has been achieved and where our planning and logic is delivering sound results.

Give the Pentagram Spread a try, and let me know what you think, and how it works for you – I’d love to hear your thoughts!


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