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The Tower - #TarotImageTuesday

The Tower Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday, just slightly later than expected!

This week, it's the The Tower, and I've selected the Lumina Tarot deck.

This is quite a dark card, the black and white image pierced only by the flash of green lightning that strikes the assembled stones and sets the crow to flight in the process.

There's little to suggest that the lightning strike was imminent - no roiling clouds or ominous storm on the horizon - instead it's a 'bolt from the blue' (or in this case, the black), a shock strike that comes without warning, hesitation or apology.

The Tower has not yet crumbled, and, from the force of the strike, it's unclear from the image how much will remain standing when the dust settles...some semblance of the foundations or lower portion of the Tower may remain, but it will take time to rebuild, and what remains would need to be checked for damage at first unseen by the naked eye.

The crow has managed to avoid being struck along with the Tower, but it's been a close call, causing the bird to flee in fear - it will likely be some time before it's willing to return, and if this represents the querent in the situation, it can suggest that fears about further damage or loss from the situation can cause them to abandon what remains, rather than being tempted to rebuild.

At the base of the Tower we see some mushrooms and leaves, suggesting that the foundations themselves might be at risk as well, slowly mouldering away from lack of attention, and so, when the bird returns to perch again, and start the rebuilding process, there might be a need to reassess whether the Tower is truly beyond repair, whether the foundations have crumbled, or whether something can be salvaged from the situation.

To the top right hand corner of the card, we see the symbol for Mars - a symbol associated with the masculine, action, movement, destruction and war. The Tower can often symbolise that lurch or push away from a perceived comfort zone or place of safety due to forces beyond our control, but it's important that with that forced action, we don't allow ourselves to immediately settle again, and repeat similar mistakes - it's an opportunity to take positive action, whether it's to abandon and rebuild from scratch, or to salvage and move forwards, mindful of those risks that have been highlighted.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

The Lumina Tarot is self-published by Lauren Aletta of Inner Hue and Tegan Swyny of Colour Cult, and the image is courtesy of, and © the same. The deck is available from the Inner Hue website


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