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Five of Pentacles - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Five of Pentacles, and I've selected the Lumina Tarot deck.

This card is startlingly bleak in its portrayal. The dark background gives the card a feeling of isolation - there's no setting for the fruit, nothing for it to fit into, just an arch of five ornate pentacles above sign of the tree it came from, or the knife that cut it...

More deeply, the apple, slowly decaying, is a commentary on self-worth - that dark, hollow core filling with doubt, the no-longer pristine flesh battered and bruised by circumstance and experience.

The withering is as much a reflection of that core, that it's that lack or loss inside that is reflected on the outside, and I'm minded of a quote:

"They say this fruit be like unto the world

So sweet. Or like, say I, the heart of man

So red without, and yet, within, unclue'd

We find the worm, the rot, the flaw.

However glows his bloom, the bite

Proves many a man be rotten at the core."

~ Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

The Lumina Tarot is self-published by Lauren Aletta of Inner Hue and Tegan Swyny of Colour Cult, and the image is courtesy of, and © the same. The deck is available from the Inner Hue website


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