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The Moon Cycle Spread

The beauty of this reading is that it can be done at any point in the moon cycle, but will likely benefit most from being done at, or just before, the New or Full moon where you have clear thoughts on the project at hand, or particular goals that match a particular portion of the cycle.

New Moon - the previous cycle ends, and renews into the next cycle - have lessons been learned, allowing for transition into the next cycle, or is more shadow work required to carry you forward? This is a time of ending the previous cycle but also of planning the new cycle and seeing what will inspire growth in the next cycle back towards the full moon again. A time of cleansing and renewal, and a wonderful opportunity to set goals, make promises to yourself, and for reflection and solitude during this period of sacred downtime.

Waxing Moon - what should be strengthened at this time, or where efforts will yield positive growth and increase. This time is spent on building energy and power towards the full moon, or drawing things towards ourselves for success. It's a time of fertility, strengthening and investment to carry you towards those Full Moon goals.

Full Moon - the height of the cycle, where things come to fruition, light is shone into dark corners, and where desires can be manifest for this cycle. This is a time of manifestation and attainment, but also of planning the new cycle from growth, through that sense of renewal and allowing those things that are no longer needed to fall away, to be renewed again at the new moon. At this point of peak psychic energy, celebrate fulfillment, completion and fruition, taking a moment to assess those things that need to be reduced or eliminated during the waning cycle that follows.

Waning Moon - what should be in decline at this time, where there is a call to reduce or allow things to fall away from the situation...what should be diminished in influence and control. This is a wonderful time to break old habits, to shatter chains and to undo tangles, reducing their grip and power over us, carrying us towards the renewal and refocusing of the New Moon.

If there is a clear cycle in process, drawing two cards at the new moon position can clearly deliniate between the old cycle ending and the new cycle that is just beginning...similarly two cards at the full moon position can differentiate between the situation that is welcoming power, growth and increase, and what needs to be considered to allow to fall away from us moving forwards through the waning cycle.

Give the Moon Cycle Spread a try, and let me know what you think, and how it works for you – I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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