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The Four of Wands - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Four of Wands, and I've selected the Shadowscapes Tarot.

This is a very personal card to me...described as being a bit humdrum and lacklustre by one of my fellow Tarotistas, because it rarely seems to see any real degree of modification from its RWS-basic design...consequently, it can be overlooked for the power of its message...but here in the Shadowscaoes version, it gets a healthy dose of attention to really emphasise the lesser considered aspects of the card.

It's an image that I have as the background on my phone screen, as it reminds me of my engagement, and the happiness, strength and stability that it has brought into my life.

The four wands in the card are represented by the horns of the four Ki-rin, the eastern equivalents of unicorns, more gazelle-like in their appearance, as they bound across the scene and take to the skies in a glorious and ecstatic flight, along with a host of fae-folk who accompany them.

The rays of a golden sun light the scene, touching the horn of the highest Ki-rin in flight, with the sense of joy and happiness captured in a minor card that is usually reserved for the major arcana Sun card itself. Petals are strewn across the scene, and a floral lay is around the neck of one of the Ki-rin, a symbol of joy, happiness, celebration and welcome. The foremost creature has a sun-spiral on its hindquarters, a symbol of change, strength, and constant renewal.

As they launch themselves into the skies, they pass over a floral pathway and hollow trunk, that resembles a basket of flowers, such as might be seen at a wedding or celebration. With its pinks, peaches and golden hues the entire scene is resplendent with happiness, confidence and positivity.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

The Shadowscapes Tarot is by the exceptionally talented Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. The image is © Stephani Pui-Mun Law 2010, and the deck is available from her website, Amazon, or your local Tarot stockist

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