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The Seven of Pentacles - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Seven of Pentacles, and I've selected the Lumina Tarot.

This is a fresh image from a glorious new deck, and this image is a great example of the work within it.

The moon cycle at the top of the card reminds us that each thing has its time, and that patience will serve us well, waiting for that 'right moment'.

Seven Pentacles form an arch above the main image of a cactus in bloom, and the message here is that sometimes we don't see the beauty or benefits or our hard work and investment at first - sometimes, like the cactus, it can appear to be lots of spikes and potential for pain or discomfort, but that the final outcome of that growth, that investment of time and energy, is where the results finally show themselves, often after we've started to doubt that that hard work will every actually pay off.

Now is the time to take stock of your work, the clear outcome that signifies success, and the production of something worthwhile and beautiful - it's not an event that can be timed, and it may or may not happen again; a cactus blooming sometimes being seasonal, annual or sporadic as an event.

The focus in this image is very clearly on the flower - it's the only source of colour in amongst the black and white attention to detail to the cactus and the spines...take time to appreciate your labours, and the results and rewards for those efforts in getting there. Be prepared to continue with the hard work, but allow these results to energise and revitalise your efforts, as you now see what's achievable.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

The Lumina Tarot is self-published by Lauren Aletta of Inner Hue and Tegan Swyny of Colour Cult, and the image is courtesy of, and © the same. The deck is available from the Inner Hue website

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