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The Relationship Connection Spread

Very often as Tarot readers, we're asked about relationships, and how the various factors surrounding the two (or more!) partners can impact the potential success of that connection...

I developed this rather nifty 10-card spread for a client, to help look more deeply at the querent and their partner, using not just a single card to represent each person, but also to give greater context to each individual, by examining the things that they're projecting onto the connection, and also what is influencing them behind the scenes, whether it's their emotional baggage, their subconscious, or other unseen, but often felt, factors.

Card 1 - represents the querent, and what they bring to the relationship

Card 2 - represents what the querent is projecting onto the relationship and their partner

Card 3 - represents what the querent is holding back, what is happening in the subconscious, or what unseen influences are at play when it comes to the querent.

Card 4 - represents the partner, and what they bring to the relationship

Card 5 - represents what the partner is projecting onto the relationship and the querent

Card 6 - represents what the partner is holding back, what is happening in the subconscious, or what unseen influences are at play when it comes to the partner.

The spread can be easily adapted at this point for an additional partner/polyamorous relationships, by adding an additional set of 3 cards for each partner in the relationship.

Card 7 - shows the core of the connection between the querent and their partner, demonstrating the relationship link between cards 1 and 4, but also influenced by those unseen (cards 3 and 6) and projecting (cards 2 and 5) factors.

Card 8 - shows the likely future together, if the status quo remains the same - it can shine valuable light onto the path ahead, allowing the couple to see if adjustments need to be made to progress the relationship.

Card 9- highlights blocks or obstacles that might be impacting the connection (card 7) and the future aspects (card 8) of the relationship.

Card 10 - provides the guidance and advice of the cards as to how those obstacles (card 9) can be overcome, but also how the relationship would be best served moving forwards.

Give the Relationship Connection Spread a try, and let me know what you think, and how it works for you – I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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