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PPP Three Card Spread Modification

An adjustment on a three card spread, giving us a little variety from the usual Past/Present/Future approach to drawing three cards!

I’m present

It’s very easy to be distracted from our goals, but when we are present in the moment, we can achieve great things. The first batch of cards show the potential for being present in the moment and what can be achieved…with the qualifying card above it showing what can be done to strengthen that potential for being present, and the card below it providing information on what might be undermining our efforts and distracting us at this time.

I’m passionate

The second batch of cards show the potential for embracing our passions – not just in the physical or emotional sense, but in the motivational sense, allowing us to feel passionate and involved with a project or approach to a desired goal, and again, the qualifying cards above and below show us what can be done to strengthen those passions and what could be undermining them, respectively.

I’m purposeful

Finally, the third card shows the potential for being in tune with our purpose, and for aligning ourselves with that sense of direction. The qualifying cards show us what can strengthen those efforts, and what might be undermining us on our route to success.

Qualifying a three card spread in this way, can give a real sense of the core of an issue from the basic three cards, but then allows greater investigation and analysis of the opportunities that are open to us and how we can really forge ourselves into success when we consider our goals in this way!

Give the PPP Three Card Spread Modification a try, and let me know what you think, and how it works for you – I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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