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The Key to the Issue Spread

After a little 'modification spreadcrafting', combining aspects of the core Celtic Cross spread with some 'more useful to me' additions, I came up with The Key to the Issue spread.

Card 1 shows us the issue at hand that requires solution - it identifies the core of the problem that would benefit most from our efforts, and the area that will be most influenced by the key spread.

Card 2 identifies underlying or hidden factors that are affecting the issue. These can be psychological in nature, influencing the situation subconsciously, or simply not have been revealed to us yet.

Card 3 links the reading to the past, and shows us how that anchor is affecting the issue, whether it is providing positive security or is holding us back.

Card 4 is the crowning influence, that link to the divine which will open up the issue for us, if we are prepared to allow that connection to assist us.

Card 5 shows us the influence that other people will have on the issue, whether they are part of the solution or part of the problem.

Card 6 helps to identify the likely future, should all other factors remain the same, and can assist us is identifying how things will be affected by our actions.

Card 7 is a timing card, and can be drawn with one or two additional influencing cards, that can identify the factors that are most likely to influence that identifier of 'when'. If you don't read timing cards (go on, give it a go!), it can easily be replaced and instead be read as a blocks and obstacles card instead!

Card 8 is a guidance card, showing us the advice from the cards as to how best the key can be turned and a solution to the issue can be found!

Give the Key to the Issue spread a try, and let me know what you think of it - I'd love to get your feedback!

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