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Lightning Rod Spread

There are those moments in our life when we want or need a change, or when things seem to be moving so fast around us, and we need to know how to get a handle on the situation, and make the most of the changes as they swirl around us!

The lightning rod spread is a quick-win spread, allowing us to identify and quickly align ourselves with change as it occurs.

Card one is the point of impact, the lightning strike, the bolt from the blue, the connection with the divine spark - this is the card that will identify the nature of the change that we're experiencing or that is needed in the situation.

The second card identifies how you can open yourself up to that connection, to turn that energy into something that you can harness practically.

Card three shows the transformation, the shift that can occur if you allow it to happen, the alterations that can occur if you are prepared to harness the energy, embracing it, and allowing it to transform the situation. This card is the tipping point, and shows us how that bolt of lightning converts into identifiable change in our life.

Next, we have the fourth card, and this identifies how you're standing in the way of that transformation, and preventing it from reaching a point of actualisation

Finally, card five is the grounding point, how this energy and change earths into your life, how it grounds itself into your consciousness, and how the energy and the change will find form if we can mould it from card three and avoid stepping in our own way, as identified by card 4.

It's a quick spread, allowing us to get a handle on quick moving situations as they develop

Give the Lightning Rod spread a try, and let me know what you think of it - I'd love to get your feedback!

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