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The Emperor - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the The Emperor, and I've selected the Tarot of the Silicon Dawn.

Firstly, I can't look at the Silicon Dawn version of The Emperor without seeing Eurovision darling Conchita Wurst! Between the beard, the dress, and the colours that capture the essence of Rise Like a Phoenix, it's a card that makes me smile whenever it appears!

The background is interesting - the Emperor sits upon a very stylised throne, set in silhouette, along with the industrial version of the mountainous background, with the two sides of the mountain framing the throne, with the bridge running over both sides...the detail is lost as it's set in repose behind the vivid and 'larger than life' character of the Emperor, with the colour and focus drawing the eye forwards - quite clearly the earthy qualities pale in comparison to the character himself, as if they're just there to provide support to his ego.

There's a combination of what should be a mask and robes, but actually comes across more as theatrical makeup and a long flowing dress, suggesting that there is more to this Emperor than expectations would lead us to believe.

The Emperor sits in a dramatic pose, with hands clasped on a large staff or cane, while his hair and robe (dress!) flow outwards, again, contributing to the 'larger than life' sensation of the character...and the pattern on the robe (dress!) suggests a crackling energy or jagged approach, and feels as if this isn't a character to trifle with, and that, despite the seeming theatricality of the setup, there is significant substance behind the gloss and powder.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

[The Tarot of the Silicon Dawn is by Egypt Urnash, the image is courtesy of, and C, Lo Scarabeo srl, and the deck is available from their website, Amazon, or your local Tarot stockist]

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