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SWOT and TOWS Tarot Analysis Matrix

Anyone who's done any kind of business or strategic analysis will likely have come across the SWOT analysis model - a way of identifying and examining the various Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in a given situation.

The TOWS analysis model, however, is a very useful tool to help you get a better understanding of the various strategic choices that you face...and while Dr Heinz Weihrich, who came up with the TOWS Matrix, mightn't have had the Tarot in mind when he developed his analysis model, they blend very well, merging intuitive insight with a strategic approach, to use the very best options available for success management.

The TOWS Tarot Matrix can be used in one of two ways...

If you've already performed a SWOT analysis, and are aware of the various aspects that are influencing you or your current situation, then you draw the central 4 cards only, relating them directly to the areas identified in your SWOT analysis.

If you haven't already performed a SWOT analysis, then you can use the Tarot to assist fully with the process, drawing cards for the SWOT items around the outer edge of the TOWS analysis matrix, and then moving into the central strategic area.

SWOT Analysis - helping you identify the influencing factors on the current situation.

Card 1 - Identifies your Internal Strength(s)

Card 2 - Identifies your Internal Weakness(es)

Card 3 - Identifies the External Opporunity(-ies)

Card 4 - Identifies the External Threat(s)

TOWS Strategic Analysis - helping you think about the options that are open to you and what avenues can be pursued for success.

Card 5 - Strength + Opportunity, a Max/Max strategy, that uses your Strengths to maximise Opportunities.

Card 6 - Weakness + Opportunity, a Min/Max strategy, that minimises your Weaknesses by taking advantage of Opportunities.

Card 7 - Strength + Threat, a Max/Min stratetgy, that uses your Strengths to minimise Threats.

Card 8 - Weakness + Threat, a Min/Min strategy, to help minimise Weaknesses and avoid Threats.

For each of the card positions 5-8, they are read in relation to the corresponding cards on the outer SWOT Analysis.

So, for example, card 5, highlighting a strategy that will bring together our Strengths and Opportunities, is read in relation to card 1, Strength, and card 3, Opportunity. Card 8, highlighting a strategy to minimise Weaknesses and Threats, would be read in relation to Weakness, card 2, and Threat, card 4.

Give the TOWS Analysis Spread a try for insight into a challenging situation, and see how you can turn things to your advantage! Drop me a comment below - I'd love to hear your input!

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