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Knight of Wands - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Knight of Wands, and I've selected the The Manga Tarot.

There was a young lady of Niger

Who smiled as she rode on a Tiger;

They came back from the ride

With the lady inside,

And the smile on the face of the Tiger.

Not for a second do I think that this particular Knight would be swallowed up by her tiger steed - the beast is formidable, certainly, but the look of focused determination on the face of the flame-haired young Knight as she cradles the delicate flowering plant to her chest is one that would give pause to anyone who would seek to de-rail her from her quest!

The card is glorious flames, oranges and reds and yellows, from the tiger, to the fire to the armour that the Knight wears...she has planted her bamboo spear into the ground next to her, more concerned with the protection of the flowering plant that represents her efforts, her focus and her passion.

Both Knight and steed seem so unconcerned by the flames that surround them, that I cannot help but think that they're not passing through the fire, but instead generating it themselves - the fire a by-product of the passions, drives and focus of this Knight on her goal!

The kanji in this image is Fuyu, Winter, which i must admit, has no connection for me to the symbolism of the card, as the Knight is the 'fire of fire', but it proves to be of little distraction when faced with the clear message from the main card image!

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

[the Manga Tarot is © Lo Scarabeo srl, and is available from their website, or via Amazon]

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