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The World - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday This week, it's the The World, and I've selected the Wild Unknown tarot.

Ah, the Wild Unknown deck - so stark and cold at first glance, and yet its imagery somehow niggles away in the mind, subtle suggestions from form and line, curve and shape, and the sparse use of colour...and in that respect The World card is no exception!

The simple pen strokes of the background give a sense of movement, from the light at the base of the card into the darkness towards the top - there's a sense of moving into the next phase, the next stage, literally, stepping into the Wild Unknown...there are still stars there to light our path, so there is nothing to fear in that step, that forwards movement!

The design in the centre of the card is layer upon layer of concentric circles - the outer layer, a never-ending colour wheel of the spectrum, and I always find it interesting to see here a querent looks on the wheel when this card appears for them - it provides an extra layer of insight as they move through this cycle and into the next!

The next layer has an ouroboran feel to it - the snake scales forming an unending circle of renewal, recycling and rebirth, and this leads us onwards to the next layer again, with poppy-like flowers growing from the inner edge of that scaly circle, arching towards the central star, that core of light and hope, energy and fire...

It's such a compact set of imagery, and yet holds multiple iterations of that same message of completing the circle, or the cycle being an unending one of life, death, rebirth, and that each step forward is simply another step on that cycle, that journey as we grow, learn, discover and renew ourselves at each point of growth, each opportunity.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

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