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The Tree of Me Spread

Trees are primal things, their roots digging deep into the earth to provide them with stability and sustenance...while their branches and leaves reach ever higher, longing to reach the air and sunlight that keeps them fed.

We can see our psyche in a similar way, delving deep into the dark and unseen to strengthen us, and reaching up towards the light to provide that sense of balance and achievement, all around that central trunk.

Card 1 is where we examine our core, the trunk of our tree. It talks to us about our 'here and now' - the place where our experiences and lessons have brought us, and the foundation that all those branches reach out from. it gives us a good indication of the state of our tree, and where we might need to focus our attentions when it comes to reinforcing those branches, and ensuring that our situation is as strong as we can make it.

Cards 2, 3 and 4 - these represent our root system, and are what feed and nourish us, even though we don't always see their influence or allow them to enter into our conscious thought. They can represent those underlying influences that impact our current situation, and that we should be aware of before we attempt to make changes higher up the tree, so that we don't overreach our energy source.

Card 2 represents those underlying influences, much in the same way that Card 1 represents our trunk. Card 3 shows us what aspect of those underlying influences serves us well at the moment, and we would do well to focus on, strengthen and prioritise. Card 4 shows us what aspect of those underlying influences seeks to hinder or hold us back, and we would be advised to reducing or challenging their influence, so that we minimise their impact.

Cards 5, 8 and 11 are the branches of our tree, and we can use these cards to look at specific areas. Perhaps you want to look at health, wealth and happiness, or career, romance and finances...each of these cards can represent a single aspect...or you can allow the cards to guide you and take the cards flipped into these positions to show us the areas that the cards want us to focus on.

Cards 5, 6 and 7 / 8, 9 and 10 / 11, 12 and 13 - much as with the root cards 2, 3 and 4, the branches then split into two further cards.

Card 5 (8 and 11) tells us about the branch that we're investigating and querying specifically.

Card 6 (9 and 12) calls on us to embrace these positive aspects of that branch, and to work on strengthening them and allowing them to bask in the sunlight as the branches reach upwards to the sky - this card identifies for us those positive aspects of the branch in question.

Card 7 (10 and 13) identifies those areas that may need some attention, or pruning back so that they're not as vociferous in their growth. It can identify those things that need to be brought back into balance, or need our attention to reduce their influence on the branch in question.

I'd love to know what you think of The Tree of Me spread!

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