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The Prince of Cups - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Prince of Cups, and I've selected the Tarot Illuminati by Erik Dunne.

The vivid blues on this card are jewel-like in their luminescence...from the waterfall in the background, reminding us of the power and intensity of the element of water, to the rich adornments on both horse and knight. I love how both knight and horse are focused on water...the horse picks its way confidently around rocks in the stream, unperturbed by the churning water, and the knight appears entranced by the contents of the chalice he holds.

The small details in the picture, from the flowing filigree on the horses tackle, reinforcing that connection with water; to the fleur de lis on the reigns, reminding us that emotions are the core of all those who work, who fight and who pray. The bundle of peacock feathers tucked in the Knights arm have several meanings, not least their connection with Hera, queen of the Greek gods, and patroness of marriage, but also with the values of virtue, awakening, vision and incorruptibility.

Probably my favourite detail is the wings on the Knights armour, elevating him to an almost angelic purity in his actions - that combination of the action and forwardness of the traditional Knight energy, combined with the emotional depth and strength of the water element, purified by those stretching wings, and elevated in its intensity to something far stronger than mere romancing or emotional titillation. What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

[the Tarot Illuminati is © Lo Scarabeo srl, and is available from their website, or via Amazon]

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