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The Oracle That Made A Liar Out Of Me - Part 1

Lenormand has always been something that I struggled to connect with - not because I couldn't grasp the symbolism, but because that little niggly voice at the back of my head kept whispering "well, it's not Tarot, is it?!" - and so Lenormand became another of my 'passing divination fancies' where I picked up the symbolism, and added the experience to my gestalt knowledge centre, and gravitated back to my trusty decks of Tarot cards.

It's not that i was resistant to the idea of Lenormand, just that i found the 78 cards in the Tarot deck more comprehensive and flexible than the 36 Lenormand cards, and I found the imagery in the cards to be more jarring than harmonious when reading the two in tandem.

I'd always felt as if the artistry, imagery and presentation of a deck could really influence whether something appealed to the reader - whether it 'clicks' with them

It's only now, many years later, that I feel as if the form the oracle takes, as well as its artistry, imagery and presentation, can really influence whether something appeals to the reader, or whether it 'clicks'.

And then someone mentioned the Magpie Oracle.

I've always been an 'ooh, shiny!' person, and these lovely little charms did elicit that reaction, and I wanted to give my intuition the opportunity to run with them, to see if they would 'click', especially when read in tandem with my Tarot cards. And click they did...sometimes they'll give a complementary message to that which comes out through the Tarot, and other times they'll focus on a different area in the reading, providing additional insight and information for the querent, and where the question is quite deep concerning life changes or empowerment, the Tarot is freed to focus on the esoterical and 'higher focus' aspects, while the Magpie Oracle focuses on the practical 'next few steps''s certainly a positive combination!

Clients seem to like the addition of the charms into an otherwise-expected standard Tarot reading, and even those clients who are familiar with Lenormand in their card format have been pleasantly surprised by the unique format of this particular Oracle!

So now, many (many!) years after I first picked up the Lenormand, considered it as a tool, and retreated to the Tarot bunker, I've realised that it's not just the artistry and imagery, but also the form that the tool is presented in, that can influence that 'click' and whether it blends with other tools, or can stand on its own, resisting preconceptions and assumptions about what that particular tool can bring to the table.

I'd say it's a win-win!

The Magpie Oracle is available from the rather delightful Carrie Paris via her always-insightful website - it does look like she's currently out of stock (boo!), but contact her via her website to be added to the waitlist for re-stocking and distribution when she's all stocked up and ready to go again!

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