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The Six of Discs - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning! It's #TarotImageTuesday

This week it's the Six of Discs, and I've selected the Intuitive Tarot deck.

It's difficult to express how an image can feel both ethereal and yet solid at the same time, but this card manages it!

The two figures are focused on the three coins that have manifested from beneath the lead figures diaphanous robes...their needs are met by the generosity of this mysterious figure, whose white and golden robes billow out and surround one of the figures gently.

Meanwhile, the lead figure still has enough resources to cast another three coins ahead on his/her path...generosity to those in need has not diminished the ability to provide for his/her own needs, and he/she can continue to focus on the road ahead.

The golden oval framing all the figures gives a real feeling of that third chakra action, to will into being, to manifest and to bring actualisation and balance to lower chakra wants and needs, empowered by higher chakra ideals of love, shared responsibility and connection with the divine through positive actions on this plane.

It focuses our attention, and reassures us that no-one needs to go without, in order for everyone to benefit from shared wealth!

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

[image from the Intuitive Tarot deck by the very talented Cilla Conway - check out her website!]

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