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The SeeSaw Spread

Many a pleasant childhood memory comes from playing in the playground on the SeeSaw - gaining the loft heights that will allow us to see for what we thought were miles around us, before returning to earth with a satisfying bump...

This spread identifies those things that we want to reduce in their power, and also those that we want to increase in their influence, and importantly, the point around which that transformation will take place

Cards 1 to 3 in the spread should be read as a set - they represent aspects to reduce, weaken or to be aware of in their influence of our lives. They can encapsulate those things that we need or want to leave behind, they can identify negative influences in our lives, or even tell us those things that are hidden from us, the drawbacks of a given situation, or identify problems that have been dogging our lives and we need to allow to fall away from ourselves to grow.

The central card (4) is the axis point, and identifies the central tipping point, or core point of influence in the shift from left to right sides of the spread. It can talk about the querent, the immediate situation, the influence of the 'now', and can offer advice in how best to make the transition from those issues on the left, to the growth pattern and opportunities on the right.

On the right hand side of the spread, we see cards 5 to 7, and again, these should be read as a set. They show us aspects of our lives that we should look to increase, strengthen or focus on in their influence. They can represent those things that the cards advise we take forwards, positive influences in our lives, they can identify what skills or outlook will best serve us in the future, what actions to take to or what lessons to learn, and can even represent a surprise twist if the universe feels that we're ready for a different path from that which we were expecting.

The central card can benefit from an additional 2 cards being drawn with it, to enhance clarity, if that fulcrum isn't clear from a single draw, bringing the whole spread up to a 9 card reading, and a further 2 cards can be added, one at each end (I usually like to sit them atop cards 1 and 7, like passengers on the seesaw), to represent 'the person that we are that we're leaving behind' on the left, and 'the person that we would benefit from being' on the right - these archetype cards can guide us in the decisions we need to make in identifying those areas to release and embrace in turn.

I'd love to hear what you think of the SeeSaw spread!

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