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Seven of Rods - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday This week, it's the Seven of Rods, and I've selected the Ellis decK.

In this gloriously colourful rendition of the Seven of Rods, we see the archetypal figure, complete with his rather splendid leafy moustache, being jabbed and pecked at by rods from all angles, showing us the traditional meaning of this card, of being beset by issues from different sides, finding ourselves beleaguered. The tips of the rods that are in bloom remind us that these are likely passionate issues, that people can tend to get fired up about, and that's what's triggering this need for defensiveness.

The central figure has taken a defensive posture - his own Rod is tucked behind him, prepped to counter those jabbing attacks, and his hand is folded into an outstretched Aakaash Mudra, a gesture used to help reinforce the action of replacing negative emotions like fear and anger, with positive emotions and thoughts - an excellent response to those unwanted incursions from the other Rods in the image. Along with his crown made of petals, it reminds us that the figure is in a position of strength and authority, and, despite the seemingly overwhelming odds, is in a distinct position of advantage, potentially suggesting why there is much effort to knock him off that perch.

Finally, we see the lovely loyal kitsune wrapped around his neck, and perched with its forelegs on his outstretched arm - a living symbol of that passion and fire. With four tails, this kitsune has grown in power from the start of the Rods journey, and is a reminder to be prepared to defend our motivations and passions, to prevent them being derailed, diverted or diminished in their energies.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

[image from the wonderful Ellis decK, by the spectacularly talented Taylor Ellis - it's available, now in its third edition printing here]

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