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The Dream Draw Spread

Not to be confused with the dream drawer, which I presume is somewhere where you keep your dream journals, or to be mixed up with a dream draw, which i'm assuming is where you get dealt an excellent hand in bridge or poker, The Dream Draw is a way of assisting with those niggly dreams that linger into our conscious mind, or that we feel, upon waking, that there was more of a message for us in the dream, but we weren't able to draw that message out during our dream-time.

To the left of the spread, I'd lay out 2 cards to indiciate what we can draw internally from the dream, whether it be the lesson, how to grow from its message or whether it's giving us information about our path or calling.

To the right of the spread, I'd lay out a matching 2 cards to show us what to action from the dream, what to bring into the world, to draw into the physical, to actualise or to achieve.

The lower central card tells us what's hidden from us, or what we might have missed during our dream time, especially useful if we feel there's a layer we're missing, or if our dream was disrupted before it was completed.

The upper central card tells us how to connect with that divine, personal message and to affirm it.

It's a very simple, empowering spread, useful in drawing information out of our dream time and into our waking world. Sometimes dreams can linger with us for days, like a song that we can't remember all the words to, and by allowing Tarot to assist us in putting together the pieces and filling in the gaps, we can gain a measure of clarity as to its message for us so that we can welcome that into our lives.

As always, clarifying cards can be drawn at each point to provide more information or detail, and it's a spread that we can return to if we get reocurring dreams or fragments that we feel need to be pieced together from days or weeks of dreaming.

Let me know what you think of the Dream Draw - and happy snoozing!

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