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The Ace of Disks #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Ace of Disks, and I've selected the Mary-El Tarot.

The combination of core symbols here produces a powerful gestalt Ace. The green maze symbol over the central chakras reminds us that that earthy energy finds manifestation when we bring those grounded energies up to the point of actualisation - each step is a right step on our journey, either bringing our energy out from the core of that maze, or working our way to the core of our own maze.

The figure has a bovine head, reminiscent of the goddess Hathor, representing fertility, hearth and land, and the source from which other gods came. Her brow is marked by the alchemical symbol for earth, a reminder of the need for practical expression to realise the potential of this Ace energy. It's interesting to see the presence of both male and female organs - the seed to implant and the milk to nourish and feed growth - and calls on us to utilise all approaches to fertility, from sharing ideas, to practical nourishment and care provision, to stabilising and grounding energies to bring them to fruition. There's a swish of a tail, tipped with a sheaf of wheat, reminding us of the goal of this Ace, to harness power to bring results - to carry from seed to grain/fruit through a seasonal cycle of growth, carrying us from life through death to rebirth again. The wings of the figure are a reminder of divinity, of bringing that divine energy to bear on creation - that we become god-like in our designs and creativity, as we breath life into our projects. Finally, the labrys on the column to the left of the image - the two-headed axe - has an interesting symbolic heritage. It's associated with female divinity, and has been used to represent the beginning of creation...and in more modern terms, has been used to represent variously lesbian, feminist and pagan movements, representing strength and self-sufficiency. All these wonderful symbols are associated with a wiry, muscled figure, showing a physical competence and capability, always reminding us of that grounded, earthy, practical energy of the Pentacles, and all the amazing potential represented by the Ace.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

[image used with permission of the fabulously talented Marie White - the Mary-El Tarot deck is available via her website]

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