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The Queen of Pentacles - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Queen of Pentacles, and I've selected the Manga Tarot by Lo Scarabeo.

This lush green and gold image is very fitting for the Queen of Pentacles. The first thing that strikes me about the image is actually what isn't there - a throne. Instead, the Queen kneels on the ground, surrounded by the grass and trees of her domain.

Her gown is high quality, and beautifully decorated with a floral motif, and yet I can't help but think of apples when I look at the pattern, and relate it to the sweet bounty of the earth.

The gold trim to her gown matches the large gold coin that she holds over her solar plexus - the chakra that governs self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem, and it's surrounded by blooming flowers, representing the fertility and beauty in that expression - that valuing self-worth is essential for us to achieve our goals.

She doesn't clutch the coin covetously, instead she embraces it, welcoming its influence, and surrounding it with beauty and growth.

Her crown is a simple affair, gold set with three green jewels, and what appears to be an arrow motif, pointing downwards, formed of the vertical stem of the crown and the curve set upon her brow - a reminder to bring our energy down to earthly, practical matters, and to 'ground' ourselves in the now to make practical changes.

Interestingly, the Japanese kanji used in the image is 'Fuyu', the symbol for Winter, which isn't a season I would traditionally associate with Pentacles, or with this particular Queen, as the symbol of nurturing earth-bound fertility and strength and a sense of practical groundedness, and even common kigo in Japanese haiku tend not to associate winter with the earth in the same way that they might the summer or autumn, so the association here is a little unusual, but isn't jarring enough to distract from the clarity and beauty of the card itself.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in various decks!

[Image courtesy of and © Lo Scarabeo srl]

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