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The Seven of Cups - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! it's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Seven of Cups, and I've selected the Tarot of the Secret Forest.

I love this swirling, dreamy image - it's rich golds and umber reds give it a depth and a warming contrast that is often lacking in other versions of the card...the female figure at the bottom of the image lies supine, caught up in the swirling maelstrom of her daydream, with the rising golden light above her captured in the bubbles...the fish, a symbol of fertility, creativity, fortune, knowledge and transformation is viewed as if from beneath it in a pool of light, and this perspective calls on us to rise up to our creative thoughts and embrace the fertility of our imagination and our intuitive knowledge. It is a card that can suggest that we're potentially disenfranchised from reality - the figure is completely unaware of the world around her, and she is bared to the waist, unadorned and unprotected, making her vulnerable to those things around her that she is blissfully oblivious to.

The depth of the image reflects the potential drawbacks to the card - that we can be so immersed in our thoughts, feelings or imagination, that we lose touch with reality and the world around us...but it can also be a call that we need to release our tight grip on reality, and the restrictions that it imposes onto us, to use insight, imagination or creative thought to get a different perspective on our issues, without losing ourselves to fantasy or too much introspective analysis.

As a resource used wisely, imagination can provide us with excellent opportunities for progression in the face of standstill or seemingly insurmountable obstacles that we might be tempted to hide away from rather than seeking alternatives, but reckless indulgence can carry us away from our goals and into the realms of personal indulgence.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between the images in the various decks!

[Image courtesy of and © Lo Scarabeo SL]

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