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The Two of Swords - #TarotImageTuesday

Good morning!! It's #TarotImageTuesday

This week, it's the Two of Swords, and I've selected the Deviant Moon Tarot.

I love that this image, rather than showing a single figure holding two swords, shows two conjoined figures, seemingly at odds, with their swords crossed and their heads butted together - one figure black and one white, like the pillars in the High Priestess card...they both seem focused on the querent, as unlike traditional RWS-imagery, they aren't blindfolded, and despite their obvious differences, it feels like they suggest that the querent is aware of both sides of the issue, but is struggling with that decision, as both parts are equally matched, balanced aspects of the whole.

The prospect of choosing one over the other means significant pain, as you cut away part of yourself, and this image feels more like a calling to negotiate, compromise or find a blended solution, if there's no clear way to select one aspect over the other...or to accept what can only be a painful blow, choosing one aspect over the other.

The stone circle and the walls surrounding the figure suggest security and stability, and encourage a firm footing for the decision that needs to be made, and the crescent moon above the figures is tilted, suggesting that the decision is either the start or end of something...or potentially both.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!

[Image is copyright US Games, and reproduced with kind permission - the weird and wonderful world of the Deviant Moon Tarot is by Patrick Valenza, and is available here]

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