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The Dart Spread

The Dart Spread Has your querent been specific in what they want to know, regarding where they are now, and where they want to be? Using the Dart Spread, either as a stand-alone, or a bolt-on to another spread to gain clarification on what you're seeing, can narrow the focus to something a little more manageable in terms of steps to take, speedbumps to watch out for and how the situation might resolve itself!

On the bottom supporting layer, we deal three cards. I like to deal these centrally (1) then left (2a) then right (2b), and use the central card to identify the Querent, their particular situation or issue, and to shed some extra light onto the situation that they've 2a and 2b to the left and right, can then be used to round-out that scenario. All three cards can be read together as a three-card spread, tailored to your Querents particular question or issue: I like to read these as (1) the Querent/their situation, (2a) unseen, hidden or underlying influences, (2b) additional information about the situation/direction for where the Querent is currently heading. Once we have that foundation layer in place, we can then move onto the second layer, and both of these cards (marked 3), can be read to identify the blocks, issues or speedbumps that the Querent will encounter between their current position and their intended goal. Sometimes these cards will present a united front, and other times they will provide us with disparate information, showing us potentially more than one thing between the Querent and their desired goal, and i like to check the influences of the cards from the first row and 'triangulate' those blocks, to work out what aspects will be blocked and I'd read card 1, the Querent, with card 2a, underlying influences, and see how that might be blocked by the left hand 3 card above them. Similarly, I'd read card 1, the Querent, with card 2b, direction, and how that's being blocked by the right-hand 3 card above them. Once we understand the blocks, we can examine the goal/outcome card 4, assessing whether those blocks can be overcome, or whether the Querent needs to rethink their destination. Cards 2b and 4, when read together, can give us an indication if the Querent is 'on target' for their goal, or if they're going a little 'off-piste' in their attempts to reach their goal. Cards 2a and 4, can give us an idea of whether those underlying influences are supporting our querent on the way to their destination. The energy of the spread flows from the base of the triangle to the top, narrowing the focus, identifying the here and now, moving through what's holding us back, and identifying where we'll end up in relation to that desired outcome, and, as always, if we're unsure about the message or require more information, extra cards can be added for clarification, reading these additional draws with the original to identify particular issues or influences. I'd love to hear what you think about the Dart Spread - if it's something you could use, how you use it, whether you'd modify it the positions or read it in a different way!

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