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Tarot Image Tuesday!

Good morning! It's #TarotImageTuesday!! This idea sprang out of a desire to explore the various images in the different Tarot decks, and is something i've been exploring on my instagram account, but thought I would post here too!

This week, it's the Judgement card, and I've selected the Ellis decK (again, I know, I know, but, let's face is a rather amazing deck, and deserves some serious recognition!)

Whilst it contains elements of the RWS original, this version details the rise of the human to the call of the angel above, as she blows upon her horn...but the path divides for the soul, splitting to either the creature on the left, that seems to be consumed by anger, hatred and negativity, or the balanced zen-like meditating figure on the right. The angel breathes fire, to test the purity of the soul before rebirth...and on the path of negativity, the heart is consumed by the fire...whereas on the path of positivity, the heart is unharmed. The image is a clear marker for karma, and the need for balance in our actions, lest our heart be weighed in the balance and found wanting...but it's also a message that when we hear our calling, we need to respond positively, keeping our baser and negative emotions in check, while we take action to heed that call.

The white lines, reminiscent of the tree of life, show limited options for the gnarled creature, suggesting that the only route available to them is down, whereas the meditating figure is presented with multiple options, giving them choice in the next stage of their development.

At the base of the card, the physical form seems to crumble, giving way to the spirit, the driving force that pulls us toward our goals, to accept the transformation and to embrace the opportunity presented. By marrying our calling with our resopnse to it, we can achieve greatness, or be consumed by it - such is the power of our will, and our ability to manifest what we feel we deserve.

What do you see in the image? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and we can share the similarities and differences between images in the various decks!

[The Ellis decK is available directly from the artist, Taylor Ellis - check him out at]

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